
Serenti is a clean & elegant blog theme, designed for fashion, travel, personal or lifestyle bloggers in mind. Aiming to reduce distracting clutter, we’ve trimmed away many elements and lovingly crafted an elegant theme ideal for creative bloggers of any field. Featuring both sidebar & full-width layouts, a variety of post layout options, and numerous sidebar & footer widgets, Serenti WordPress theme showcasing your content in an airy and beautiful way. Enjoy writing, enjoy blogging!

Free Blog WordPress theme

Serenti is a clean & elegant blog theme, designed for fashion, travel, personal or lifestyle bloggers in mind. Aiming to reduce distracting clutter, we’ve trimmed away many elements and lovingly crafted an elegant theme ideal for creative bloggers of any field. Featuring both sidebar & full-width layouts, a variety of post layout options, and numerous sidebar & footer widgets, Serenti WordPress theme showcasing your content in an airy and beautiful way. Enjoy writing, enjoy blogging!

Serenti Blog Theme Features


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