7 of the Best WordPress SEO Plugins

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Even if you are acquainted with SEO, you do not have to ignore its importance. SEO is a very important practice of making your blog or website more visible and attract more traffic in search engines such as Google. For most websites, search engines are a major source of traffic hence as a user you need to know about SEO plugins and tips that can help improve your site’s SEO. Here are the top 7 best WordPress SEO plugins that you should use.

SEO Ultimate

mooz browser SEO Ultimate

While SEO Ultimate has the basic SEO features, it also has unique ones made to ensure that SEO practices are kept at the forefront of content creation. Apart from the Meta description and the title tags, it has deep lining functions including a link in a draft to make it active once it’s published. It also has an Author Highlighter that has an author’s Google search results.

WordPress SEO by Yoast

mooz browser WordPress SEO by Yoast

This is perhaps one of the most downloaded SEO plugins. As compared to other plugins, it’s a detailed solution to all your SEO needs. It allows you to add a Meta description, title, and Meta keywords to every post and page that you have on your site. You can use it to write customized title for your category, main site, and archives. It also adds Twitter cards, Open Graph Metadata, site maps, and ping search engines.

Squirrly SEO

mooz browser Squirrly SEO

Squirrly SEO is an SEO plugin that ensures your content is always optimized for readers and search engines. For any average user with little or no knowledge about SEO, it’s SEO. This tool gives you SEO advice in real time while writing your website content with green indicators indicating that your SEO is covered. It also provides you with analytics for pages and posts every week. If you do not know anything about SEO but you want to improve your site then it’s the best tool to use.

All in One SEO Pack

mooz browser All in One SEO Pack

This plugin not only have over 1 million users but also has a rating of 4.5. While it has similar features like Yoast, it’s the only plugin that can easily integrate with WordPress E- Commerce sites. More so, it can automatically generate Meta tags and optimize titles for better ranking. The best thing about it is that once it’s been installed, it can start working immediately hence it does not need any tweaking.


mooz browser SEMRUSH

Talking about SEO plugins is not complete without mentioning SEMRUSH. Unlike other plugins, SEMRUSH is a complete SEO tool for those who don’t have any SEO skills. Its most important feature is that it can let you do a complete site audit and identify any SEO issues that may prevent organic growth.


mooz browser KeywordTool.io

This is also one of the best WordPress SEO plugins that are available for you to use now. It allows you to generate the best keyword ideas by typing in the keyword that you want to use. These suggestions are gathered in an auto-suggest feature and they are very important when it comes to SEO. The auto-suggest tool will suggest keywords depending on how often they are used for the search. This implies that the most frequently searched words are the most popular. This tool is not only fast but also completely free for anyone. It also allows you to get keyword suggestions for App Store, YouTube, and Bing.

Open site explorer

mooz browser Open site explorer

This is a free tool that has been developed by Moz and it allows you to check for any domain name. This can allow you to see who is linking to it and the kind of anchor texts that they are using. It also offers a wealth of information including linking domains, top pages, and which pages are linked to your site. Although it’s free tool, it has daily search limits for every person using it. To get its full power you must get a Po Moz subscription that also allows you to get other tools as well.

Final words

While there is a lot of information to grasp and understand about SEO, this does not imply you abandon the practice of optimizing your blog or site. With the help of these plugins that meets every user’s expertise, any website owner or blogger can certainly practice SEO with a lot more confidence. To avoid bogging yourself with too many plugins you can start by considering the ones detailed above.

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Zigmars Author

Fanatic web designer & photographer specialized in clean and modern Bootstrap & WordPress theme development. I continuously explore new stuff about web design and photo cameras and update MOOZ Blog on a regular basis with the useful content.


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